Woodland Hills Sanitary District

July 2022 Minutes


Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm, July 20, 2022.  In attendance were Lois Lund and Dylan Striebel (Clearwater Consulting) along with board members  Bobby Sadler, Garry Colasardo, Jim Stewart, John Knight, Peggy Severson and newest board member Jared Nooney.


Adoption of Agenda: The agenda was presented and approved by a 5-0 vote.


Income Report

June highlights:    


Water Report:  On June 16 the chlorine pump failed.  The backup was installed and the old one is being examined to see if it can be repaired.  If not the board authorized the purchase of a new backup pump (about $500).


On June 20 the SCADA system notified  Dylan that the main well pump could not be started.  Dylan started the backup well and Dakota Bice Drilling was called to pull the pump and motor.  The pump thrust bearings had failed and a new pump and motor was ordered which was installed on Friday, July 15.  Tests of the main well were conducted on Monday July 18 and it was put back into service.   No water outage took place.


At that same time Dylan noticed a marked increase in water usage and tracked a nine gallon per minute leak to a resident's home.  An outdoor faucet was the cause and the leak could be stopped by shutting off the faucet.  Repairs were made within a few days and the board approved a credit of the monthly water bill to the previous monthly average amount.


Water Loss








June 2022




June 2021




June 2012




June 2007





Road Report: A tax deposit of $3,822.67 was received in June.


Old Business:  One nominating petition was received so there was no need for an election.  Jared Nooney is the newest board member and his term will run until July 2025.  Garry Colasardo will stay on for a another three year term and Jim Stewart has left the building.


The board got an estimate of $349, 925 from Simon to patch, overlay and chip seal Woodland Drive.  The overlay would extend from the entrance of Woodland Hills to near 9005 Woodland Drive.  A chip seal would cover the remainder.  The road account has a balance of $50,817.  Simon estimated an increase of the project cost of about $40,000 to $50,000 for next year.   The board will seek resident's comments on how to proceed.  Over a five year period the cost would be about $60 per month per resident over those five years.  


New Business:  The board decided to seek an RSVP from residents (via email) on whether to hold a picnic this year.  


A discussion was held regarding how best to handle complaints from residents regarding camper parking and barking dogs.  Emails will be sent to the residents.  The board agreed that talking to neighbors first would be the preferred process. 


Board member comments:  None

Resident comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm.


These minutes were written Jim Stewart.