Woodland Hills Sanitary District

February 2021 Minutes


The February meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District board was called to order at 6:33pm on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.


Roll Call: In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel (Clearwater Consulting) and board members Jim Stewart, John Knight and Garry Colasardo.


Adoption of Agenda: Garry presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The January minutes were unanimously approved. 


Income Report


January highlights:    


The district received an insurance settlement of $4,435 which covered most of the repairs to the #2 pump-house which was damaged by a burst supply line.


A brief discussion was held regarding the idea of an opt-out for the road tax levy as a way to obtain more money for repairs to the asphalt pavement of Woodland Drive.  But no action was planned and the board will rely on the existing levy to effect asphalt repairs. 



Water Report: 


Water Loss








January 2021




January 2020




January 2011





A water post was knocked over by a truck that skidded off the road at 8505 Woodland Drive.  Clearwater installed a new post, rewired the existing transmitter and mounted it back on the new pole.


Clearwater investigated a possible service line leak at 8304 Woodland Drive but the meter quit running when the water valve inside the house was turned off.  The service line was ok.


Road Report: A tax deposit of $259.


Old Business:  The well-house door repair and roof repair is still pending. 


New Business: The board reviewed and OK'd a 2021 budget.

Board member comments:  None

Resident comments:  A resident had a question about burning slash piles suggesting that neighbors be notified when it happens.  The burn permit application web site has a note, " G. Notify your neighbor(s) that you plan to burn" and Jim will remind the residents on the email list to remember to do so before burning.


The board adjourned the meeting at 7:00pm.

Carefully written up to the best of his ability by Jim Stewart.