Woodland Hills Sanitary District

November 2020 Minutes


The November meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District board was called to order at 6:33pm on Wednesday, November 11, 2020. 


Roll Call: In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel  (Clearwater Consulting) and board members Peggy Severson, Jim Stewart and John Knight.


Adoption of Agenda: Jim presented an agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The October minutes were unanimously approved. 


Income Report:


For October:


Water Report:  The water system experienced another peaceful month.   The backup well (#1) has been running for the last month and there have been no problems.  The system is now operating off the newer well.    Well number 1 is considered the old well that was dug when the sub-division was created.  Well number 2 was dug in the 1990s to a greater depth of ~950 feet (vs 700+ feet for well #1) when there was a partial collapse of well #1.  Well #2 has a greater gallons per minute capacity than well #1.  The wells are periodically used as the system supply to ensure both are in good working condition. 


The heater in pump house #2 (near 8904 Woodland Dr) failed to operate and was replaced by Morford Electric.  Most likely the heater was a casualty of the burst pipe in the pump house from earlier this year.  When the repair bill is received it will be included on an insurance claim.


Clearwater Consulting got a call from a resident about white scale forming on a plumbing fixture.  Likely caused by the hardness of the water.  Hardness is defined as the presence of calcium carbonate (and other minerals) in the water.  The water hardness report is on the whills.org website which links to SD DENR: http://denr.sd.gov/des/dw/PDF/pwshandbook/0042hbk.pdf


General guidelines for calcium carbonate in the water is: 


(source: https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/hardness-water)


Woodland Hills water has been measured at 202 to 252 mg/l over the past 25 years.   The last measurement was in 2018 and the hardness was 242.  No action is planned by the board.


Road Report: Tax income was $393.81.   Snowplowing expense was $270 in October.


Old Business:  The asphalt millings on the first 300 feet of Lark Lane look nicely compacted and will hopefully reduce the amount of gravel spilling onto Woodland Drive.


The roof repair for the district buildings is still pending.


Kelly Abraham ordered gravel and pushed into place at the top of Woodland Drive to prevent further cracking of the asphalt edges of the road.  The expense was $271.94 (thanks very much Kelly - JS).


John Knight and Garry Colasardo still plan on rehabbing the well house door and frame.


New Business: None

Board member comments:  None.

Resident comments:  None.


The board adjourned the meeting at 6:50pm.

Carefully written up to the best of his ability by Jim Stewart.