Woodland Hills Sanitary District

August 2020 Minutes



The August meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District board was called to order at 6:30pm on Wednesday, August 12, 2020. 


Roll Call: Vice-President Garry Colasardo established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel  (Clearwater Consulting) and board members Peggy Severson and John Knight.  Bobby Sadler is away on military assignment and Jim Stewart was away in a psychiatric care facility or vacation.


Adoption of Agenda: Garry presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The July minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved. 


Income Report:


For July:

Net income was $2,108

Gallons pumped  were 659,351 - 19.6% loss.

Gallons pumped a year ago  486,009 - 18.7% loss

Gallons pumped ten years ago: 756,100 - 44% loss

There were 4 unpaid accounts for July and 5 past due from June.


Water Report:  Clearwater Consulting worked with Brandon Powles to track down and repair a leak on Nuthatch Lane.  Brandon has not submitted a statement for his expenses so we don't yet know the cost of the repair.


Road Report: The road district received a tax deposit of $44 and the account has a balance of $29,552.


Old Business:  The board decided to cancel the 2020 annual picnic because of the lingering COVID-19 virus.  Sharing utensils at the potluck-style picnic could spread the virus.


New Business: Garry discussed a plan for improving the condition of Lark Lane with residents Gary Hansen and Walt Pogorelski.   The residents of Lark Lane will be invited to review the plan and cost-sharing over the fall and winter.   The plan calls for the board to share in the rehab cost because it has the meeting hall on Lark.


Board member comments:  None.

Resident comments:  None.


The board adjourned the meeting at 7:06pm.

Carefully written up to the best of his ability by Jim Stewart with help from the board members in attendance.