Woodland Hills Sanitary District

November 2019 Minutes


The November meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District board was called to order at 6:30pm on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. 


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel (Clearwater Consulting) and board members Peggy Severson, Garry Colosardo, Jim Stewart and John Knight.


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The October minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved.


Income Report:


For October:

Net income was $3,518.  

Gallons pumped was 446,424.

Gallons pumped a year ago 387,707.  



Water Report:   Water losses for October were 20 percent.  Ed noted that if water loss trend continues upward then it would be time to call for a water listening device to check for leaks in the spring.  The South Dakota Rural Water Association has leak detection equipment.   A service line leak has been discovered at 7104 Tanager Lane, about 1/3 of a gallon goes through the meter with the interior water valve closed.  A meter check was performed at 7711 Bluebird Lane and was ok.


Road Report:  A tax deposit of $668 was received.   Expenses for the road account included $208 to Simon for snow plowing and a loan payment to the Seversons for $5100. 


Simon canceled the snow removal contract after plowing once.  Simon says their equipment is too large for the size of our roads.  A new contract with Schulze Landscaping was unanimously approved and the hourly rate will be $135.  Schulze will plow whenever we get four or more inches of snow.  Woodland Drive and all the Lanes will plowed.


Several residents were attendance and wished to discuss road policy.  John Zogorski reviewed his work on Junco Lane addressing water run off issues and asked that the board consider providing Lane improvements in the future.  Board member Garry described how the road account does not have the funds to pay for all the needed repairs of the Lanes.  He also mentioned the possible inequity of the road district paying for Lane improvements compared to residents who have paid for their Lane upkeep.  Would those residents ask to be compensated for their expenses?  


Board member Jim discussed the road tax levy which is the only source of funds for road work.  Right now the property tax mill levy for the sanitary district roads is maxed out.   The 2020 tax will bring in $14,800 for roads.   An opt-out resolution would have to be passed to raise the levy and the board would probably need to have definite project plans and budgets in place before calling for an opt-out.


Jim also discussed having a special assessment for plowing activity on the water bill that would be paid into the road account.  The other board members were opposed to the idea.  When the Sanitary District was formed the road district was dissolved and became part of the Sanitary District.  At that time the board's legal counsel advised that water and road receipts could not be mingled.  Because the assessment would appear on the water bill that could be considered mingling.  The idea was tabled and Jim will seek further legal advice. 


The problem of run off coming down Lark Lane was brought up and how ditches and culverts need to be improved.  There was discussion of whether the residents of Lark Lane be responsible for the work or does it fall on the road district.  The issue was not settled. 


Jim got two estimates for road repair from B&H Asphalt.  The first is to resurface about 80 feet of Woodland Drive near Bluebird Lane plus a couple of patches near Junco Lane.  The bid was $12,214.   A second bid to pave the first 320 feet of Lark Lane as a solution to the constant gravel run-off came in at $20,612.  No action was taken on either proposal for now.


Carol Crozman brought up the expense of plowing both Woodland Drive and the Lanes.  The history of the road district has been to plow just Woodland Drive and only plow the Lanes after a very large snowfall such as the blizzards of May 2019 (18+ inches of snow) or October 2013 (29 inches).  Bobby Sadler noted that plowing is vital if emergency services are called to a residence on the Lanes. 


Sue Jones noted the relocation of the Chickadee and Dove Lane mailboxes from Woodland Drive to Chickadee Lane.  A gravel turnaround was created at the corner of Chickadee and Dove and the expense was approximately $1,000.  Sue requested that the board provide some reimbursement.  A couple of board members noted that other Lane residents had relocated their mailboxes without reimbursement.  The issue was discussed at length and Bobby asked that the request be tabled until the December meeting.


Old Business:  Bobby has arranged for a repair on the well house door but the person who was to perform the repair has departed for warmer weather until spring.  Ed said the current door will suffice for the winter so Bobby will arrange the repair then.


Gravel barrels will be refilled and the barrel near Chickadee will be moved to Eagle.


New Business:  None


Board member comments:  None.

Resident comments:  Carol Crozman asked if the board would consider paying off the second special assessment (5.76 a month).  If that loan is paid perhaps residents would be more comfortable with the idea of a small monthly fee for snow removal.  The suggestion will be taken under advisement.


The board adjourned the meeting at 8:03pm.

Carefully submitted to the best of his ability:

Jim Stewart