Woodland Hills Sanitary District

August 2019 Minutes


The August meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:34pm on Wednesday, August 21, 2019.  The meeting was delayed a week for lack of a quorum on August 14.


Roll Call: Jim Stewart established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel (Clearwater Consulting) and board members Peggy Severson, Garry Colasardo, John Knight and Jim Stewart.  Bobby Sadler was not able to attend.


Adoption of Agenda: Jim presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The July minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved.


Income Report: Net income for July was $2,8666.   Five accounts were unpaid in July.  Gallons pumped in July was 486,009 compared to 632,355 gallons in July 2018.


Water Report:   Water losses for the previous month were 16.2 percent.  Ed replaced a ball valve for the chlorine pump (routine maintenance).  A slight leak persists on 7605 Dove Lane and the resident has a curb key to shut off water as needed until the service line is repaired.  On July 27 a pressure transducer failed (suspected lightning hit) and was repaired for $204.   Also the cell phone modems used by the district's SCADA system were upgraded from 3G to 4G to greatly reduce communication failures between the pump and tank controls.


Road Report:  B&H Asphalt did a nice job of patching several locations along Woodland and their bill came to $6,159.  A few more areas have "alligator" cracks near Bluebird and Jim will ask for a repair estimate.


Two residents from  Chickadee Lane were attendance and a discussion was held regarding how best to move the Chickadee/Dove mailboxes from their current location on the blind curve near the Woodland Drive and Chickadee Lane intersection.  Gary Lewis said he would submit a proposal next month that would include the amount the affected residents would chip in and the board will decide if a funding match would be made.


Old Business:  Picnic assignments were made for August 25 annual soiree.


New Business: The SD firewise program is still accept applications for thinning for residents west of Junco Lane. 


Board member comments:  None.


 Resident comments:  None.



The board adjourned the meeting at 7:04pm.

Carefully submitted,

Jim Stewart