Woodland Hills Sanitary District

June 2018 DRAFT Minutes


Please note these are draft minutes and subject to change pending review and approval at the July 2018 district meeting.  Please email any comments to Jim Stewart, webmaster@whills.org.


The June meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:32PM on June 13.


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Streibel and board members Jim Stewart, Beth Haivala, and Garry Colasardo.  


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted by the board.


Secretary’s Report: The May minutes were reviewed.  Jim made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bobby and the vote to approve was 4-0.


Income Report: Total income for May was $7,788 with $5,587 left after expenses and loan payments.   The water project phase 1 loan balance is now $265,823 and phase 2's balance is $91,723.  


One resident is in arrears with water payments and late fees and a disconnect notice will be sent.


Water Report:   Water losses for May were 12.7 percent.  The backup well pump will be put into service for several days to make sure it operates as expected.  Ed asked the board if he should continue mowing the grass near Pumphouse #1 and everyone agreed to continue.  Ed believes the fee is about $50 per month. 


Ed is relocating his business and will have a new email address, clearwater@rap.midco.net and a new phone number, 786-4366.  Everything else remains the same.


Ed also noted that someone defecated in front of the door to Pumphouse 1. 


Road Report:  A tax deposit of $3,861 was made by Meade County.   Jim met with Brent from B&H Asphalt who will submit an estimate for repairs on Woodland Dr near Chickadee, Eagle and Junco.  Also earth needs to be moved along Woodland Dr at Junco where runoff has been pooling.   Garry will submit an estimate to the board for new sanding barrels before September.


Old Business:  Bobby asked Jim to place the link to the Meade County ordinance enforcement form on the district web site. 



New Business:  A newsletter noting the upcoming election and annual picnic will be printed and distributed.


Board member comments:  None


Resident comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm


Carefully submitted,

Jim Stewart

Recording Secretary