Woodland Hills Sanitary District

April 2018 DRAFT Minutes


Please note these are draft minutes and subject to change pending review and approval at the May 2018 district meeting.  Please email any comments to Jim Stewart, webmaster@whills.org.


The April meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:35PM.


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Dylan Striebel and board members Jim Stewart, Beth Haivala, Garry Colasardo and Evan Hutchings.  


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was adopted by the board.


Secretary’s Report: The March minutes were reviewed.  Beth made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Garry and the vote to approve was 5-0.


Income Report: Total income for March was $4,021.  A resident has been behind in water payments for several months and a disconnect notice will be sent.


Water Report:   Water losses for March were 15 percent.   A resident had a 2.8 per minute leak in their service line and replaced the line.  The 2017 drinking report was issued by the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the district's water quality is excellent.


Road Report:  A tax deposit of $51.88 was made by Meade County.   Jim will check with Randy Alexander to see if he has any road district blank checks.


Old Business:  Garry said he will get a price on sanding drums after this summer.


Jim confirmed the district debit card was returned to the bank by Randy when he left office.


Jim spoke to a representative from the SD Rural Water Association about rates and a reserve fund.  The rep will send a spread sheet which can be used to evaluate the size of the district reserve fund.   The board would like a reserve fund large enough to handle a catastrophic repair and also to fund future capital improvements.  The water rate structure will be explored in May's meeting.


Garry spoke of fencing that is on-hand for a low price at his job site.   The board will need to survey our easements to ensure that fencing does not encroach on property lines.  The fence panels will be removable to allow access for maintenance.   Jim will get some photos of the fencing for May's meeting and further action on fencing was deferred.


New Business:  Evan presented a preliminary budget and after comments from the board he will revise a couple of line items and the budget should be finalized in the next meeting.  This budget can be used as a template for following years now that our projects have been completed.


A discussion of deed covenant enforcement was brought up by an email from a resident who is concerned about the appearance of a lot.  A sanitary district has no specific charge to enforce covenants but a committee can be created to handle this issue and pursue the idea of combining the different covenants among the four parcels that make up Woodland Hills.  The previous Woodland Hills Community Association (WHCA) was engaged in the process but that worked was tabled by the water project improvements and the high water losses that were going on at the time.  The water project resulted in the formation of the Sanitary District and the WHCA was dissolved.  For now the district will send a note to the lot owner regarding the complaint.  Meade County apparently has an ordinance enforcement officer and Jim will follow up to see what that officer does in the way of code enforcement.   Bobby believes the officer is affiliated with the building permits process.


Board member comments:  Evan discussed the board's insurance.  No action required at this time.  Everything is good with insurance but Evan plans to leave the board in June and wanted to be sure this item is not overlooked.


Resident comments:  Bruce Heying briefed the board on his garage plans.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm


Carefully submitted,

Jim Stewart

Recording Secretary