Woodland Hills Sanitary District

March 2017 Minutes


The March meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:32PM. In attendance were:  Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Bobby Sadler, Dylan Striebel and Lois Lund.  Randy Alexander and Beth Haivala were absent.


Secretary’s Report:  Evan asked if everyone had received and read the January and February minutes.  There were no changes to be made.  Evan made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bobby and approved 3-0.


Income Report:  Total income for February was $7468.90. Net income after expenses was $4982.26.  Lois reported that there were no unusual expenses for the month.

Carol received the Phase II Amortization Schedule (Hard Copy) in the mail. This copy will be given to Randy and put with the rest of the financial information.

Lois received a letter from the State of SD about doing a current audit. The forms need to be filled out and sent back to DENR. The board will discuss the filling out of these forms at the April meeting.

Bobby made a motion to approve the Income report, seconded by Carol and approved 3-0.


Water Report:  Dylan reported that water losses were at 10.8%. He said that he has been running Well #2 again with no reported problems.

Evan reported that there are still some water drips around Pumphouse #2 where the frozen line broke in January. Dylan said he will stop by and check out the situation.

Bobby made a motion to approve the Water report, seconded by Carol and approved 3-0.


Road Report:  There was a deposit made into the account in the amount of $203.84.


Old Business:   Evan has valued the new building between the water tanks on Lark at $7000, contents at $3000 with a total of $10,000, for insurance purposes.


New Business:  There will be an upcoming election to fill 3 vacancies on the Woodland Hills Sanitary District Board. Randy Alexander, Carol Crozman and Beth Haivala. The date of the election will be posted in May.



Resident Comments:  None

Board Comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:02PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary