Woodland Hills Sanitary District

May 2016 Minutes


The May meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:31PM.  In attendance were:  Randy Alexander, Evan Hutchings Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Bobby Sadler, Dylan Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the April minutes.  There were no changes to be made.  Evan made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Beth and approved 5-0.


Income Report:  Total water income for the May was $7568.12.  We had a net income of $4962.58.  There is one resident who is 3 months overdue on their water bill.  Lois will send the resident a certified letter explaining that if the bill is not paid that their water will be turned off by the next billing cycle.


There was a deposit made by the DENR into the project account in the amount of $1888.  Carol made a motion to approve the income report, seconded by Bobby and approved 5-0.


Water Report:  Dylan reported that the water losses were at 12.4%.  The reason for the higher percentage is because of testing on the new water pump and pumphouse #1.


There were a couple of homeowners that reported higher that usual water usage: 

8705 Lark:  the new meter was pulled to check for leaks, there were no problems and a new service line is needed. 


Also, 8709 Lark (empty rental) reported 13,800gal.  Dylan met with the realtor at the home, could not find anything wrong.  They will check it again next month. 


There was a report from 8804 Woodland about low water pressure.  Dylan pulled the meter, there were no problems found.  There was a lot of air in the line.


Jim Stewart requested an electronic copy of the water rates to put on the website.  Dylan will take care of this request.


Project Report:  Dylan reported that the new backup pump was installed on May 6. Morford finished the electric May 9th and they will fire it up on May 12 and let it sit over the weekend.  Morford checked the OHMS on Well #2 the it falls within the correct amount and is running okay. 


The bid to paint the tanks at the top of Lark came in at $9850 from Berendse & Sons. 


Upper reservoirs:  Cretex submitted a bid to DENR.  DENR wants to put the project out for rebid.  We will need to send to AE2S to get new bids on this part of the project.  AE2S requested a bid from Dakota Pump for the refurbishing of the building between the green tanks on Lark Lane.


The work on Pumphouse #2 is 50% complete.  (Morford Electric completed the electrical).  The bid for the plumbing came in at $12,956 from Streamline Plumbing.  Ted from AE2S thought that seemed high, so he is requesting a bid from Patriot Plumbing.


There will be some additional costs associated with the project.  Morford charged $500 to replace the line that was hit by Underground Construction on Tanager and Taylor Drilling brought in their own pump to test our old pump and the pumphouse #1.  Not sure what those costs will be.


It was recommended that the board meet with AE2S to see where the project budget stands.  An appointment will be made by Dylan.


Randy made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Evan and approved 5-0.


Road Report: There was a tax deposit made into the account in the amount of $673.07.


AE2S is dealing with Mainline Construction on the repair of the road that has a large dip by the #2 pumphouse.  They want Mainline to repair the section all the way across the road, Mainline only wants to repair half way.


We are waiting on estimates from Hills Material on a crack seal and chip seal for Woodland Drive.


Carol made a motion to accept the road report, seconded by Beth and approved 5-0.


Old Business:  Evan reported that the cost for 4 heavy duty 5lb fire extinguishers from Armstrong Extinguishers will cost $324 installed.  The yearly maintenance will by $35.00 for all 4.


At 6 years they charge $25 each and at 12 years they charge $45 each.  Evan made a motion that we purchase 4 heavy duty fire extinguishers for each of the buildings maintained by Woodland Hills Sanitary District.  The motion was seconded by Carol and approved 5-0


New Business: Lois Lund signed a new contract for the year.


Elections for the 1 position open will be held on July 5. A letter will be put into the mailbox for all residents.


Resident Comments:  Sharon Long called and was concerned about the stop sign at the end of Chickadee.  She would like it taken down and a yield sign put back up.  The county put up the signs and they cannot be changed.


Board Comments: None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Carol Crozman

Recording Secretary