Woodland Hills Sanitary District

January 2016 Minutes


The January meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:32PM. In attendance were: Randy Alexander, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Ed Striebel, Dylan Striebel and Lois Lund. Tyler Trupe was absent.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the December minutes. There were no corrections made. Randy made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Carol and approved 4-0.


Income Report:  Total water income for December was $7330.89. We had a net income of $4780.27.  There was an accident repair done at 8109 Woodland. The transmitter and post were replaced. Ed also replaced the chlorine pump. Beth made a motion to approve the income report, seconded by Randy and approved 4-0.


Water Report:  Ed introduced his son, Dylan who is now his partner at Clearwater Consulting & Water Management. He also recently purchased a home on Nuthatch. Dylan will be doing most of the day to day maintenance on our water system.

For the December 17 reporting period our water losses are at 5.81%!

A car slid into the post and transmitter at 8109 Woodland on December 19. A temporary fix of the post and a new transmitter was put on at the end of December.

Ed replaced the old chlorine pump with a new digital pump in the amount of $680.00.

Ed also reported that when Dylan checked the wellhouse of Friday, Jan. 8 he found that the pump had been calling for water since the previous Tuesday. He found that the heaters in the booster pump had gone out. Morford came out and reset the connection in the panel. He thought that we should keep an eye on it, that the panel may be going bad.

Evan made a motion to approve the Water report seconded by Beth and approved 4-0.


Project Report:  Randy spoke with Jonathan from AE2S. Taylor Drilling will start on the wellhouse project in the spring when the ground thaws.

Ed reported that Morford is waiting on a cost for a pump for pumphouse #2 before he can give us a total estimate on the improvements in that area. Ed will talk to AE2S about what Morford needs to do to qualify for project money before he starts.

Carol made a motion to approve the project report, seconded by Beth and approved 4-0.


Road Report:  There was a tax deposit made into our account in the amount of $2056.63.

Bluebird Lane will be resurfacing their road in May. The work will be done by Hills Material. Randy will put a letter in the mailbox prior to that if any residents would like to have any asphalting done on their property or if any of the lanes would like to get together and have work done while Hills is in this area. This would save money on staging.

Randy made a motion to accept the road report seconded by Evan and approved 4-0.


Old Business:  A premium audit with Accuity (our old insurance company) has been received. The forms will need to be signed and sent back to them. Evan will take care of the paperwork.


New Business:  None


Resident Comments:  New resident, Bobby Sadler made his introduction. Just wanted to see what the board meeting was all about and is anxious to be involved.


Board Comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:15PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Carol Crozman

Recording Secretary