Woodland Hills Sanitary District

July 2015 Minutes


The July meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:30PM. In attendance were: Randy Alexander, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund. Tyler Trupe was absent until 7:15PM.


Secretary’s Report: Randy asked if everyone had received and read the June minutes. There were no changes to the minutes. Randy made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Evan and approved 4-0.


Income Report: Total water income for June was $4962.36. We had a net income of $2861.89. Carol made a motion to approve the income report seconded by Beth and approved 4-0.


Water Report: Ed reported that the pump is running 4 hours per day which is slightly concerning. He will keep an eye on it. On June 29, Ed received a phone call that the green tanks at the top of Lark Lane were overflowing. When he checked on the situation, he found that the controller in the pump house was blank. He tried to reset it. He was hoping that it was the transducer, so he installed a new one...but discovered that we needed a new controller.  Morford borrowed and installed one for the weekend until a new one could be found. He installed a new one on July 5. Installed, the price will be around $2500.


It was discovered that the green shed at the top of Lark Lane was broken into on June 23. They broke the hasp, but left the padlock. There was nothing to steal in the shed.


Ed mowed the weeds and grass around pumphouse #1.


There was an inspection done by SD DENR on June 10. They looked over our general

operations, financial, billing and management. #1 on the list was protection from vandalism and #2 on the list was to develop a written Emergency Response Plan. Ed will research to find a template.

Randy made a motion to approve the water report seconded by Beth and approved 4-0.


Project Report: There will be a preconstruction meeting on July 9 at AE2S.


Road Report: There was a tax deposit of $1962.44 deposited into the account. Randy is purchasing a plow for his tractor. He is interested in having the Sanitary District purchase this piece of equipment for plowing the roads in the winter. The amount is around $2000. No decision was made.

There was discussion between the board members about repairing the top of Woodland Drive from the gravel up to the top of the hill after the project is finished. Tyler will get some estimates on different options.   Carol made a motion to approve the road report, seconded by Beth and approved 5-0.


Old Business: The following are the election results from July 8, 2015:

Evan Hutchings was elected to a 3 year term.

Randy Alexander was elected to a 2 year term.

The following is the Woodland Hills Sanitary District Board positions:

Randy Alexander, President

Evan Hutchings, Vice President

Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary

Beth Haivala, Treasurer

Tyler Trupe, Corresponding Secretary

Randy made a motion to approve the old business and the board positions, seconded by Tyler Trupe and approved 5-0.


New Business: The Woodland Hills Sanitary District needs to have an official audit, Randy will contact Ali Demersseman to find out when we need to have this done. 

There was discussion about the need for a new roof on the well house and the chemical room needs a new door. Evan checked on a metal roof for the meeting hall from ProBuild. The price would be $1667. He will get 2-3 quotes to have the building finished.


Resident Comments: None


Board Comments: None


Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Tyler and the meeting was adjourned at 7:53PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Crozman

Recording Secretary