Woodland Hills Sanitary District

February 2015 Minutes


The February meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:35PM. In attendance were: Randy Alexander, Dick Helmstetter, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the January minutes, and asked if there were any changes to be made. Dick made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Randy and approved 5-0.   


Dick motioned to approve the minutes seconded by Randy and they were approved 4-0.


Income Report:  Total water income for January was $5241.14.  Total net income after expenses was $1926.02.  A check will be sent to AE2S in the amount of $5500 for preparation of Phase 2 of the water project.  The State of SD is requiring an annual budget and also a Dunn & Bradstreet #...both will be sent to Ali Demersemann to be sent in to the state.  Carol made a motion to approve the Income report, seconded by Beth and approved 5-0.


Road Report:  None.


Water Report:  Ed reported that our losses for the month of January were at 28%.  (not accurate).  He also reported that the water outage that happened on Feb. 8 & 9, was caused by 2 fuses that burned out and melted a bunch of wiring.  Some residents had noticed that the light was on in the pump house on Friday, but Ed was not notified until Sunday that the water tanks were empty.  This is a failsafe that prevent it from running water to the green tanks.  Morford & Sons was able to come up on Sunday and secured new fuses and the drive appears to be unhurt.  Everything is running smoothly. 


DENR has requested that the Midwest Assistance Program do an update of our capacity assessment by Jim Jones.  This determines how fit we are to sell water and will give them a complete rundown of our whole system.  There will be no billing for this.  Mainline would like to replace the 3 valves at the #1 pump house for $8596.64.  (Not if the current budget).  AE2S thinks that this could be done independently for around $5000.  Ed recommends to defer this project to another entity to complete at a later date.  Mainline has broken a nut off of a valve at the top of Lark when trying to open the valve.  They will give us an estimate to repair the valve or replace.  We will be open to cost sharing this expense.  Other alternatives will be sought out. 


The board gave Ed permission to purchase a 100 gallon bulk chlorine tank in the amount of $240.  It will be stored at the well house.  Carol made a motion to approve the purchase of the tank, seconded by Dick and approved 5-0.  Ed also discussed creating a new billing program as the meters are replaced.  He will bring a proposal of total cost breakdown to the March meeting. 


Randy made a motion to approve the Water and Project Report, seconded by Evan and approved 5-0.




Old Business:  None.

New Business:  None.


Randy motioned to adjourn the meeting with a second by Dick and the meeting adjourned at



Respectfully submitted by Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary