Woodland Hills Sanitary District

December 2014 Minutes


The December meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:30pm.  In attendance were: Randy Alexander, Dick Helmstetter, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Ed Striebel, Lois Lund and Brooke Stromer (AE2S). 


Brooke Stromer (AE2S) brought the board up to date on all aspects of the project. He brought an updated schedule from Mainline (Contractor). They are scheduling the completion date to be sometime in early July. He also brought an updated contract between AE2S and Woodland Hills which includes the Phase 2 portion of the project. The board voted on 3 other items on the agenda from Brooke:


**Pay application to Mainline Dick made a motion, with a second by Evan and was approved 5-0.

**Change order #3 Dick made a motion, with a second by Evan and was approved 5-0.

**Phase 2 (1A) Project Loan in the amount of $474,580 which will be submitted to the state in January. Carol made a motion, with a second by Dick and was approved 5-0.


Secretary's Report: Randy asked if everyone had received and read the November minutes, and asked if there were any changes to be made. He then made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dick and approved 5-0.


Income Statement: Total water income for November was $4595.44 Total net income after expenses was $2535.63. Evan motioned to approve the income statement seconded by Randy and approved 5-0.


Water Report: Ed reported that our losses for the month on November were at 50%, but noted that this included a large leak on Lark and also the leak by the wellhouse. Both were repaired. The pumps are running normal. There was a chlorine delivery made this month. Ed suggested that we invest in a 100 gallon tank (approximately $200) and start buying chlorine in bulk instead of a 15 gallon drum. Ed will get estimates for a tank and bring that information the meeting in January. Dick made a motion to approve the water report, seconded by Carol and approved 5-0.


Road Report: There was a tax deposit made into the account in the amount of $3243.17. Our balance is $61,774.09.


Old Business: None


New Business: Ed brought to our attention that any new meters that have been recently

installed at a residence can be reused and put into the meter pits. He estimated that we could be able to reuse approximately one third of them @ around $150 each.


Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Evan and the meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.   


Respectfully submitted by Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary