May 14 2014



The meeting began at 6:35pm and was held at the Lark Lane building.  Attending were Randy Alexander, Dick Helmstetter, Carol Crozman, Evan Hutchings, Jim Stewart, Lois Lund, Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the April 2014 meeting.  There was a correction noting the use of a generator and LP tank.  Randy motioned to approve the minutes seconded by Dick and they were approved 5-0


Income Statement:  Income was a plus $2,778.  Among the expenses was water testing expense from Mid Continent for $1,035.  Dick made a motion to accept the income statement.  Evan seconded and the motioned carried 5-0.


Water Report:  The water loss for April was 20 percent.   Woodland Hills received an award certificate from the state of South Dakota for 10 years of drinking water excellence.  Ed installed a meter at 7711 Bluebird Lane but the external reader was wired indoors due to the inconvenient location of the meter making it difficult to read.  Prior to the meeting Ed had stopped by the well house and noticed that the chlorine pump had a leak and Ed left the meeting to investigate.   Randy motioned to accept the water report with a second by Jim and the motion carried 5-0.


Road Report:  Tree debris: Carol discovered that the Meade County Firewise program will assist residents with storm damaged or other trees.  Carol spoke with Travis Ugland who said that the Firewise program will cut trees, stack the wood and pile brush for eventual burning in the winter.  The cost of the service is split 80 / 20 with the homeowner paying 20 percent.  Email firewise@meadecounty.org to get started.   Jim called two tree service companies for quotes on removing debris.  One firm never return calls after leaving voicemails.  The other business said they would send someone to the sub-division but that did not happen.   Dick Helmstetter will coordinate with Rose Engineering to inspect the road signs in the sub-division.  Meade County will pay for any signs that need to be replaced or upgraded.   Once the water project is complete the board would like to revamp the road policy and clarify snow removal and road-care.


Water Project:  The final bid specification  is complete and went out for bids on April 23.  The bids are due on May 30, 2014.   Work should commence on June 14.


Old Business: An election to fill two vacancies will be combined with an annual meeting on June 17.  The terms of Carol Crozman and Jim Stewart are expiring.  If more than two people submit nominating petitions the election will take place from 7pm to 7:30pm with the annual meeting to follow.


New Business: None


Resident Requests: None


Board Member Comments: None


Dick motioned to adjourn the meeting with a second by Evan and the meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.

The next trustees meeting will be held June 11 at 6:30pm at the Lark Lane building.

 Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.