Approved Minutes

August 14 , 2013


The meeting began at 6:35pm and was held at the Lark Lane meeting hall.  Attending were Dick Helmstetter, Evan Hutchings, Jim Stewart, Carol Crozman, Randy Alexander, Lois Lund, Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the July meeting.  Dick motioned to accept the minutes with a 2nd by Carol and approved 5-0.


Income Statement:  Net income was  $3,021.  Randy motioned to accept the income statement with a 2nd by Jim and the district approved it, 5-0.


Water Report:  The water loss for July was 24 percent.  CETEC has begun their survey and is locating curb stops.  There were two meter repairs in July.  At 7711 Bluebird the meter repair was needed because the heat was off and the meter froze.  The district typically pays for the cost of a meter repair but in this case the property owner will be billed.  Ed noted that the well pump capacity has declined over the last several years from 85 gallons per minute to 79.   This gradual decrease is normal wear and not a cause for alarm.  No action is required. 

Dick made a motion to commission CETEC Engineering to begin their survey of the sub-division for a detailed water project plan.  Carol seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. 

Jim made a motion to accept the water report with a second by Evan and it was approved by a 5-0 vote.


Road report:  Dick had spoken to Golz Asphalt Sealing and they were going to visit and offer an estimate.  But after discussion the trustees decided to postpone the crack sealing because the water project will cause digging and patching of the road.  Jim motioned to incorporate crack and sealing into the water project.  Randy seconded and the motion carried 5-0.   Lark Lane is suffering from erosion with much of the gravel washing down the lane onto Woodland Drive.  Ted Schultz of CETEC will be asked to attend the September meeting and offer repair suggestions. 


Jim motioned to accept the road report with a second by Randy and the motioned carried 5-0.


Old Business:  None.

New Business: CETEC's surveying is proceeding.  The flags mark utilities and stakes mark the curb stops.


Jim motioned to raise the base water rate by $1 per month.  This will be in addition to the $18.16 per month surcharge to service the water project loan amount.  The rate will go into effect with the October payment.  Dick seconded the motion and it carried with a 5-0 vote.


Evan motioned to increase the monthly fee paid to Lois from $450 to $475 and to increase Ed non-contract hourly rate from $35 to $40 per hour.  Randy seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0.


Jim also motioned to create a credit account with the Meade County Times Tribune which publishes the district's legal notices.  That was seconded by Randy and carried 5-0.


Jim motioned that the district get a credit card to handle recurrent billing for the web site.   Dick seconded and the motion carried 5-0.


The South Dakota open meeting laws were discussed and one of the requirements is that a draft copy of district meetings appear on the web site within 5 days of the meeting. 


The next trustees meeting will be held September 11, 2013 at 6:30pm.

 This meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.