May 8, 2013


The meeting began at 6:30pm and was held at the Lark Lane meeting hall.  Attending were Dick Helmstetter, Evan Hutchings, Jim Stewart, Carol Crozman, Randy Alexander, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the April meeting.  Randy motioned to accept the minutes with a 2nd by Dick.


Income Statement:  Net income was  $1595.  Jim motioned to accept the statement with a 2nd by Dick


Water Report:  The water loss for April was 47 percent.  Based on the well pump hours reading and the number 1 boost pump hours Ed suspects another leak on the lower part of the system.   Ed suggested that the district engage Brandon Powles to look for and repair the leak.  Randy made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Evan and the motion carried 5-0.


Old Business: Lois mentioned that she and Ed do not have contracts.  Jim will check if he has the electronic copy and will bring to the June meeting.   The board reviewed the revised water policy.  Dick made a motion to change the reconnect fee from $25 to $100 and once that change is made the policy can be posted on the web site.  Carol seconded the motion and it carried with a 5-0 vote of the board.


New Business: The board discussed the idea of holding an annual meeting.  As a sanitary district there is no legal requirement to have one.  Jim made a motion that an annual meeting be held following the election on June 25.  Evan seconded the motion and it was approved with a 5-0 vote. 


Evan mentioned that Robin Kienitz has offered to paint the Woodland Hills signs.  Dick made a motion to accept her offer and reimburse her expense for materials.  Randy seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.


The next trustees meeting will be held June 12, 2013.

 This meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.

Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.