January 13, 2010



President Gary Hansen brought the meeting to order at 6:35pm.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Jim Stewart, Randy Alexander, Lois Lund and Dick Helmstetter.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the December meeting.  Gary motioned to accept the minutes with a 2nd by Randy


Income Statement:  Lois presented the income statement.  We had a net income of $684 for December. There is slightly over $50,000 in our money market account.  Board member Jim forgot to make the call to invest the funds but will do so in January.  A motion was made to accept the income statement by Gary, 2nd by Jim.


Water Report:  Ed is away for a South Dakota water meeting.  Gary and Lois reported on the water system with notes from Ed.  A vacant house on Bluebird with no power had a pipe freeze resulting in break causing a substantial water leak in and around the home.  Ed was able to partially shut off the curb stop.  The valve is broken and needs to be replaced.  That is the responsibility of the home owner.  Since the home is foreclosed the bank or subsequent owner will have to arrange for repairs. The water will remain shut off until repairs are made. 


Old Business:  CETEC mailed a contract for the water system engineering study.  The contract listed Ed’s address for the water system and had a typo in one of the board member’s name.  Jim will ask for the changes and have a new contract mailed which will then be signed and work can proceed on the study. 


New Business:  Dick Helmstetter offered to fill the vacancy on the board with the understanding that he might miss a couple of meetings occasionally with his traveling.  Gary made a motion to accept Dick’s offer, 2nd by Jim.  The board voted 3-09 in favor of the motion.  Dick Helmstetter will fill the term that expires in April 2011.


April 27, 2010 was selected for the annual meeting.  The next board meeting will be Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 6:30pm followed by March 10 and April 7.


Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm

Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.