JUNE 11th 2008




President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:35hrs.  Attending were Jim Stewart, Mike Swett, Lois Lund, Jackie Klatte and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

           Loren read the minutes from the may meeting.  A motion to accept by Jim, 2nd by Mike.


Income Report:

           A motion to accept by Loren, 2nd by Jim.


Water Report:

           Repairs on Woodland Dr and Chickadee Ln are complete.  The flushing hydrant was rebuilt rather than buying a new one which saved on expenses.   Ed has revised the way which he calculates the water losses, this has proved to be more accurate, at present the losses are at 23%.

The chlorine injector in the well house has been rebuilt and is working correctly.

           A motion to accept by Mike, 2nd by Jackie.


Old Business:

           The Covenants have been subject to some queries.  The covenants have been written by the attorney to reflect the 'least restrictive' of all the old covenants.


New Business:

           The Picnic has been set for Sun 24th Aug.  Further details will be discussed at the July meeting.



Next Board Meeting:

Will be held on Wed 9th Jul at 18:30hrs.




Meeting adjourned at 19:20hrs, Jun 11th 2008

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary.