OCTOBER 10th 2007


President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:35hrs.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Ev Hutchings, Lois Lund, Mike Swett, Jackie Klatte and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

           Loren Stanley read the minutes from the September meeting.  A motion to accept by Gary, 2nd by Ev.


Income Statement:

           A motion to accept the Income Statement by Jackie, 2nd by Gary.


Water Report:

           The meter repairs will continue in the near future.  If the current contractor does not resume the installations within, 30 days, Ed suggested we find another contractor to complete the work.


           There is a water leak somewhere between the well house and the booster pump.  Ed has been attempting to locate it and will continue to monitor the area for signs of the leak.  A motion to accept the Water report by Gary, 2nd by Jackie.


Old Business:

           Loren has applied for a Title search, from Meade county, on Randy Alexander's lot and is waiting for and answer.  Once Loren has this information it will hopefully clarify the legal way to proceed with the water.  Gary and Loren have been talking to Randy about finding the best way to proceed.

           Mike has printed and sorted copies of the amended Covenants.  Loren will check on the legal requirements with regards to filing the documents. Once all the required information is complete the Covenants will be ready for voting.


New Business:

           At this time there is no new business.


Next Board Meeting:             Will be held on Wed 7th November 2007 at 18:30hrs.


Meeting adjourned at 19:40hrs, Oct 10th 2007

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte, Recording secretary.