for MAY 8TH 2007   


       President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:30hrs.

 Attending were Loren, Gary Hansen, Ev Hutchins, Lois Lund, Mike Swett and

 Jackie Klatte.  Also attending was Ed Streibel.


 Secretary's Report

       Loren Stanley read the minutes from the April meeting.  A motion to accept, as corrected, by Ev, 2nd by Gary.  Minutes passed.


 New officers voted in and board members are now as follows:

 Loren Stanley           President

 Gary Hansen             Vice President

 Ev Hutchins             Treasurer

 Mike Swett              Corresponding Secretary

 Jackie Klatte           Recording Secretary


 Income Statement

       Motion to accept the income statement by Ev, 2nd Loren.


 Water System Report

       Ed will obtain an estimate for the cost of cleaning the water tanks.


 Old Business

       The Jacox have stated that the exterior of their garage will be completed by May 31st 2007 (Memorial day).  If this does not occur, a 2nd certified letter will be sent on Monday June 4th 2007.


 New Business

       Regarding the water leak at 7700 Woodland Dr, Ed will assist Lance Rom with options to fix the leak.




 Meeting adjourned at 19:30hrs

 Respectfully submitted,

 Jackie KLatte

 Recording Secretary