BOARD MEETING MINUTES for Mar 13th,  2007



President Jim Stewart brought the meeting to order at 6:30pm.  Attending were Jim, Kathy Colasardo, Ev Hutchings, Gary Hansen, Loren Stanley, & Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report

Kathy read the minutes from Feb’s meeting.  A motion to accept by Ev, 2nd by Jim.  Minutes passed.


Income Statement

Sales about the same. Losing a lot of water due to the leak. Motion to accept income statement by Gary, Loren 2nd.


Water System Report

Nick Jackson of SD Rural Water System will investigate our water system & water losses, hopefully before the annual meeting.  We are confident the leak is in the lower system.  The booster pump is not running any extra hours, but losses are up to 50-60%.  Jeff Ley started the water meter replacement project & will continue on the older homes.  Jim motioned to accept, 2nd by Ev. 


Old Business



New Business

Discussion of when to have the annual meeting.  It is set for April 17th at 7:00pm.          



Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy A. Colasardo

Recording Secretary