BOARD MEETING MINUTES for Feb 6th,  2007



President Jim Stewart brought the meeting to order at 6:30pm.  Attending were Jim, Kathy Colasardo, Ev Hutchings, Gary Hansen, Loren Stanley, Lois Lund & Ed Streibel.


Secretary’s Report

Kathy read the minutes from Jan’s meeting.  A motion to accept by Gary, 2nd by Jim.  Minutes passed.


Income Statement

No extra expenses this month, nothing to report. Kathy made a motion to accept, Jim 2nd.


Water System Report

Ed has a call into the SD Rural Water System.   They have a better instrument to test for water leaks.  We are going to contract out the project of switching out old meters.  Jeff Lay will charge $50 a meter – the same as it would be for Ed.  Ed has worked with Jeff before on other water systems.  Jim motioned to accept, 2nd by Ev. 


Old Business



New Business

A CD came due & we will leave in the money market.          



Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy A. Colasardo

Recording Secretary