President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 7:15PM.  Present were Loren, Gary Hansen, Mike Swett, Evan Hutchings, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.   There were introductions of the board and attendees.


Secretary’s Report

Loren read the minutes from the 2007 Annual Meeting. 


Treasurer’s Report

Loren went through the annual income statement briefly and Ev discussed the balance increase of $14,000 due to 2 water rights sold to Randy Alexander.  The water right sale was a long process with a lot of work on both sides on the decision to sell the additional rights.  The process included a title searches and contacting an attorney to protect all involved.   Overall the consensus opinion was the sale came out well for all parties.


Water System Report

Ed Streibel discussed the water system happenings in the past year.  The reservoirs were cleaned this year and looked good.  They were done this time with the tanks full by using scuba divers with a video camera.  There were several leaks this past year.  The meter replacement project is still on going.  Ed has invited a water system engineer to review our system later this year.  The board wants to continue being proactive with repairs and upgrades that will help our system in the long run.  The water system received another excellent annual water testing report and certificate. 


Other Business

Steve Darling from the road board was asked to give a brief summary.  The outstanding loan for the additional paving of Woodland Drive will be paid off in 2008.  He explained how much money is received each year and what projects are done.  The election for a new member is coming up in May.


Gary Hansen announced that state foresters are working on thinning the trees on the forest service land surrounding Woodland Hills.


The four sets of covenants have been consolidated to one and Loren explained the process the board will be going through to get the residents to sign off on.  It will require 75% of the residents to approve them before the amended covenants can be recorded.


There was some discussion of what is going on outside the sub-division on the Lien property and how it will affect Woodland Hills.  One resident is planning on inviting a Lien representative to a Kiwanis meeting and will inform WH of when this will be if anyone wants to attend. 



Loren, Gary and Ev’s terms are up as Board members.   Ev decided to not see another term. Loren and Gary said they would serve another term and were nominated.  Jim Stewart was nominated.  A motion was made to cease nominations and a show of hands elected Loren and Gary and Jim to 2-year terms. 



Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Colasardo for Jackie Klatte