Woodland Hills current conditions
At 8:00am Thursday November 14, 2024
The temperature is 43 or 6c (steady)
Since midnight: high 44 (5:30am) & low 38 (12:00am)
Yesterday's high/low was 46 & 36.
Today's normal high: 44 normal low: 22.
Rapid City's record high/low for today: 74 (1975) / -15 (1959).
November's high and low in Woodland Hills has been 57-2nd & 27-7th.
Humidity 43% Dewpoint 22.
The barometric pressure is 29.93 falling.
Rainfall in the last hour 0.00 inches, last 24 hours 0.00 inches.
Rainfall for November 0.71 inches.
Weather history
The board meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm at the Lark Lane building.
Residents are welcome to attend.
Meade County ordinance enforcement form is
here .
Woodland Hills Sanitary District Board of Trustees
Garry Colasardo
Jared Nooney
Jim Stewart
For emergency water system issues, such as a shut off needed, call Clearwater Consulting: (605) 786-4366.
If you are a new resident to Woodland Hills and need information on establishing water
service send an email to the bookkeeper (using the link over on the left).
If you want to get an email when the site is updated please send a note to the webmaster with name and address.
Use the link over on the left, the one that says "E-Mail Webmaster".
Please, only residents of Woodland Hills will be added to the notification list.
If you have questions on the operation of a sanitary district follow this
to the state laws on the subject.
The sanitary district water policy is available
here or in a Word
document here .
The following links will take you to the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources' web site.
The annual drinking water report is available by clicking
here .
The water hardness, PH report and other information is
here .
System information is
here .
Manganese information is
here .
Testing requirements
here .
For the most current resident address and phone listing send an email to the webmaster.
This web site features information for the residents of Woodland Hills in beautiful Black Hawk SD.
(This site is maintained and wrecked by Jim Stewart.)