Woodland Hills Sanitary District

August 2023 Minutes


Roll Call:  The August 9, 2023 meeting was called to order at 6:35pm. 


In attendance at the meeting were board members Garry Colasardo, Peggy Severson, Jared Nooney and Jim Stewart.  Also attending were Lois Lund and Dylan Striebel from Clearwater Consulting.


Adoption of Agenda: The agenda was adopted with a 4-0 vote.

Secretary’s Report:  There were no minutes from July.


Income Report

July highlights:    


Water Report: Dylan explained that the Environmental Protection Agency intends to gather information about lead pipe service lines for every house in the country.   Dylan will send a link for homeowners to use to report on their service lines.  The EPA's web site discusses the effort here:  https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/lead-service-line-replacement  


Mentions of this program will be emailed to the residents and a reference will be made on future water bills.


Dakota Pump has adjusted the SCADA system to allow for high water level alarms on all the tanks.


The well-house plumbing rehab is waiting on installation of some parts and the final payment is being withheld until the project is complete.


Water Loss








July 2023




July 2022




July 2013




July 2008





Road Report: Towey Design Group sent an invoice for $2,975 for the road study and the report should be sent to us later in August.   There was no tax deposit for July.



Old Business:  The road leading to the well-house had a new layer of gravel placed.  Garry mowed and weed-whacked around pump-house 1 and 2 and was reimbursed for the nice job he did.


There were no petitions submitted for the two vacancies on the board.  Garry agreed to remain for another 3 year term and Jim agreed to month-to-month servitude as secretary.


New Business: The board signed off on a new plat for the lot between Garry and Lance Sieveke's lots.  The existing lot between their two homes will be divided and become part of the lots owned by Garry and Lance.  Garry and Lance also wish to sell the water right that was bound to the old lot the next time a water right is requested by a new build.


Board member comments:  none

Resident comments:  none


The meeting was adjourned at 7pm.


This report was prepared by Jim Stewart, Secretary WHSD.