Woodland Hills Sanitary District

December 2018 Minutes


The December meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:32pm on November 14.


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund, Ed Striebel and board members Jim Stewart and Beth Haivala.


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted.


Secretary’s Report: The November minutes were reviewed.  Jim made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bobby and the vote was 3-0 to approve.


Income Report: Net income for November was $4,915. 


Water Report:   Ed reported water losses for November were 14 percent.   Ed also introduced Matt Anderson who has been working with Ed at Clearwater Consulting.  The backup well was supplying water for the system for November and there were no issues.  The main well is back online.


Road Report:  The road account received a tax deposit of $4,845.  Because of inclement weather B&H Asphalt was unable to perform the repairs to Woodland Drive and we will have to wait for spring.


Garry had called the secretary to say the new gravel barrels will be in place the week of December 17. 


Old Business:  Jim had swapped messages with the Forest Service to discuss fire evacuation plans for Woodland Hills.


Jim left the 2019 budget sitting on his printer so the budget will be reviewed at the January 2019 meeting.


New Business:   There was discussion of moving the monthly meeting to the 2nd Tuesday of each month but it was tabled until January 2019 pending input from missing board members.


Board member comments: 

Resident comments:  none 


The board adjourned the meeting at 7:10pm.


Carefully submitted,

Jim Stewart

Recording Secretary