Woodland Hills Sanitary District

May 2018 Minutes



The May meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:35PM on May 30.


Roll Call: President Bobby Sadler established that a quorum existed to conduct the meeting.  In attendance were Lois Lund and board members Jim Stewart, Beth Haivala, Garry Colasardo and Evan Hutchings.  


Adoption of Agenda: Bobby presented the agenda to the board and it was unanimously adopted by the board.


Secretary’s Report: The April minutes were reviewed.  Jim made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bobby and the vote to approve was 5-0.


Income Report: Total income for April was $7,026.


Water Report:   Water losses for April were 12.8 percent. 


Road Report:  A tax deposit of $715 was made by Meade County.   B&H Asphalt did an excellent job of patching Woodland Drive near the well house.   There are some other locations on Woodland Drive that need repair and we will ask B&H to create an estimate of the cost.  


The locations are:

Also noted is a pooling of runoff on Woodland Drive near Junco. 


Old Business:  Evan submitted a budget for 2018.  Jim will get an electronic copy and make it available on the district web site.


Evan's term of office ends next month and he will arrange for a skills transfer of all the insurance information he has accumulated.


Bobby found a complaint process on the Meade County web site for ordinance enforcement and a link to that process will be placed on the WHSD web site.



New Business:  The board set July 31 as the date for an election to fill the upcoming vacancy with the end of Evan's term of office.  Notices will be placed in the district's newspaper of record, now the Rapid City Journal


A discussion of late fees was held with the board deciding against waiving a current resident issue of late fees.


The Lark Lane building needs paint and Jim will seek an estimate for the job.   Also Morford Electric will be asked about rewiring the thermostat for the heating unit in the Lark Lane building.


Rich and Paula Raridon sent an email to the board inquiring about the type and look of the proposed fencing around the well-house because it is front of their home.  The fencing is still in the discussion stage and the Rairdon's will be included in any fencing proposal. 


Garry had a suggestion from a resident about using common dumpsters for trash collection rather than having each house hiring Waste Management's service at $29 a month.  Concerns about the dumpster locations and that people from outside the sub-division would use them for dumping vetoed the suggestion.



Board member comments:  None


Resident comments:  Ron Johnson has a service line leak that went undetected over the winter and asked for an adjustment to his past charges and current charge as he seeks a contractor to repair the line.   The contractor we normal use has a full calendar and might not be able to repair Ron's line for several weeks.   The board approved an adjustment for the minimum monthly charge plus the specials since the home was vacant over the winter.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:47pm


Carefully submitted,

Jim Stewart

Recording Secretary