Woodland Hills Sanitary District

June 2017 Minutes


The June meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:33PM. In attendance were Randy Alexander, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Bobby Sadler, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the May minutes. There were no changes to be made. Bobby made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Beth and approved 5-0.


Income Report:  Total income for May was $7640.52. Net income after expenses was $5411.90. There were no unusual expenses for the month.

The quarterly payments were made on each loan. Randy made a motion to approve the Income report, seconded by Bobby and approved 5-0.


Water Report:  Ed reported that the water losses for the month were 4.6%.

The leak at the #2 pump house has been repaired.

The post at the Bleeker residence has been repaired.

The #1 pump was run and everything is working fine.

Ed recommended that the board may want to consider water restrictions. He suggested that we follow the same schedule as Rapid City; odd and even with nobody watering on the 31st and doing this schedule from June thru August. The board will consider and make a decision by next month’s meeting.

Beth made a motion to approve the water report, seconded by Bobby and approved 5-0.


Road Report:  There was a deposit made in the amount of $2226.95 into the roads account.


Old Business:  A budget was put together by Evan and was handed out to all board members. There is also a need to modify and update the water policy to reflect all of the new verbiage concerning the changes in the water system.


New Business:  The link containing the covenants needs to be removed from the website. Since changing from an association to a sanitary district, we can no longer enforce any covenants. The only way for them to be enforced would be to form a new association.

The yearly Woodland Hills Community Picnic will be held on Sunday, August 27 at 1:00 Pm at 8307 Woodland Drive. Each resident is asked to bring a potluck salad or dessert. The WHSD will provide chicken and corn on the cob and drinks. Please bring your own plates and silverware and something to sit on. This is such a fun time to get together with your neighbors and to meet new residents! Hope to see you there!


Resident Comments:  None

Board Comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:17PM


Respectfully submitted,

Carol Crozman

Recording Secretary