Woodland Hills Sanitary District

February 2017 Minutes


The February meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:37PM. In attendance were: Randy Alexander, Beth Haivala, Bobby Sadler, Dylan Striebel and Lois Lund. Carol Crozman was tardy and Evan Hutchings was on beachy vacation.


Secretary’s Report:  Since Carol was not in attendance and the Board did not have the minutes, this was not approved during the meeting. Approval of the January Minutes will be made at the March meeting.


Income Report:  Total income for the month of January was $7175.34. Net income after expenses was $2709.36.  Lois reported that expenses were higher this month because of the electrical repairs made on Pump House #2 for the frozen pipe.(Will be covered by insurance.) Also, Randy purchased and installed a new heater for the meeting hall.  The last expense related to the project was included this month and the new loan payments will begin on Feb. 15 and will be made quarterly after that.

Randy made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bobby and approved 3-0.


Water & Project Report:  Dylan reported that we had 18% water losses last month related to the pump house #2 frozen water line.

There was a service line leak at the end of Chickadee. The customer has had the repairs done, but has asked the board for some cost relief since she had been paying higher amounts for the last few months until she discovered the leak. The board will forgive 2 weeks on her bill for the month of February and will require her to pay her “normal” billing amount. Bobby made a motion to approve the forgiveness, seconded by Carol and approved 4-0.

Dylan reminded us that all water testing needs to be done this year, probably later this summer. Ed and Dylan started Well #1 the first week in February...all is running smoothly.

Beth made a motion to approve the Water and Project Report, seconded by Bobby and approved 4-0.


Road Report:  No Income this month


Old Business:  Randy installed the new heater in the meeting hall, and it is much warmer!


New Business:  AE2S has sent us a survey to be completed. Randy gave it to Ed and Dylan to fill out.  DENR sent a certificate of completion of the project!


Resident Comments:  None

Board Comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 7:11PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Crozman

Recording Secretary