Woodland Hills Sanitary District

April 2016 Minutes


The April meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:36PM.  In attendance were:  Randy Alexander Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, new member:  Bobby Sadler, Ed Striebel, Dylan Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the March minutes.  There were no changes made.  Randy made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Beth and approved 40.


Income Report:  Total water income for April was $7629.67.  We had a net income of $4720.33.  Beth made a motion to approve the income report, seconded by Carol and approved 40.


Water Report:  Ed reported that water losses are at 8.8%.  The 2015 Drinking Water Report is out and will be sent via mail to each resident.  This is required by the state.  For the rest of the water report, please see this PDF file by clicking here.


Road Report:  There was a deposit made into our account in the amount of $267.24 + .07 interest for a total of $267.31.


There was discussion about filling the cracks on Woodland Drive.  Randy will talk to his contact at Hills Materials, as they will be up here in May. He will also contact B&H for a quote.


Old Business:  Evan met with the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance rep who had several recommendations on improvements to lower our insurance risk.  The most applicable item was to install fire extinguishers in each of our pump houses.  Evan will check on the cost of purchasing and maintaining fire extinguishers and will have a report at the May meeting..


New Business:  We have a temporary new board member that has been recruited to fill the position left by Tyler Trupe last month.  The board voted in Bobby Sadler 40 to fill this open position.  Bobby’s position will be up for election in July.


Resident Comments:  None


Board Comments:  None


The meeting was adjourned at 8:08PM.  Respectfully submitted, Carol Crozman Recording Secretary