Woodland Hills Sanitary District

May 2015 Minutes


The May meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:35PM.  In attendance were:  Randy Alexander, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Tyler Trupe, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.  Evan Hutchings was absent.


Secretary’s Report:  Randy asked if everyone had received and read the April minutes, and asked if there were any changes to be made.  No changes were made.  Randy made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Tyler and approved 40.  Income Report:  Total water income for April was $5071.68.  We had a total net loss for the month of $1307.89.  Lois made the first Interest only payment on the DENR loan to First National Bank.  Quarterly payments on this loan will begin in August, the approximate payment will be $4500.  Carol made a motion to approve the Income report, seconded by Beth and approved 40.


Water and Project Report:  Ed reported that our water losses are up to 32%, he is not sure why, but will keep monitoring the situation.  We may have a leak somewhere.  Ed received a quote from Midco Diving to clean all 4 tanks in the amount of $2400.  Ed would like the board to wait on a decision until he receives a comparable quote that he is waiting on in Black Hawk from Liquid Engineering.  Even though the scope of the project is different, it will give him a better idea on any difference in prices.  We can then make a decision on getting the additional quote from Liquid Engineering on our project.  The board will wait to make a decision until that quote comes back.


Ed’s software provider is setting up our software for the administrative part of his contract with WHSD.  He wanted to set this up according to when we want the bills paid by residents.  Billing will go out on the 15th, with payments due from users between the 1st and 5th of each month.  Late fees will apply after the 5th of each month and remain the same.  Ed is concerned about the condition of the shed and roof at the midlevel tanks.  He would like these added to the project that is being bid out.  Ed will call AE2S to have this added along with a tank gauge and 2 more flushing hydrants...the hydrant on Tanager turns hard and the one on Lark has a leak.


Some concerns have been made about places in the backfill and asphalt that were repaired by Mainline and are now sinking and settling.  The board will take complaints and issues, pass them on to Ed and he will submit a list to AE2S.  Randy made a motion to approve the water and project report, seconded by Tyler and approved 4-0.


Road Report:  There was a tax deposit made into the account for the amount of $1148.46.  Randy mentioned that the state will be replacing all of our street signs, but that there was no timeline given.  Randy made a motion to approve the road report, seconded by Carol and approved 4-0.


Old Business:  Carol will be constructing a letter on the district’s policy on replacing the water meters.  This letter will be sent to each mailbox in the district.


There are 2 openings on the Board of Trustees for Woodland Hills, the original election was to take place in June, but because of some new rules mandated by the state, the new date for these elections will be Tuesday, July 7, 2015.  Some of these rules include:  In order to sign a petition and vote in the election, the person must be the homeowner with their name on the mortgage or deed.  Only 1 person per household may sign or vote.  Petitions may be picked up by contacting Carol Crozman between the dates of May 21st and June 17th.  A letter will be constructed and put into the community mailbox with all of the new rules for voting.  A Notice of Vacancies will be posted by Dale Hansen (WHSD attorney) in the Meade Co.  Times.  Randy made a motion to approve the Old Business, seconded by Beth and approved 4-0.


New Business:  The house at 7201 Eagle Ln is now bank owned.  The board approved Ed to shut off the water.


Resident Comments:  None


Board Member Comments:  None


Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Carol and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM.