Woodland Hills Sanitary District

April 2015 Minutes


The April meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:00PM. In

attendance were: Randy Alexander, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Tyler

Trupe, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report: Randy asked if everyone had received and read the March minutes, and

asked if there were any changes to be made. Since Tyler Trupe is new to the board, he had not

received or read the March minutes. No changes were made. Evan made a motion to approve

the minutes, seconded by Randy and approved 40.


Income Report: Total water income for March was $4748.95. Total net income after expenses

was $2376.87. Carol made a motion to approve the Income report, seconded by Beth and

approved 50.


Water and Project Report: Ed reported that our water losses for the month of March were at

25%. On March 13, Morford Electric was called to repair a water leak on an old pressure relay

switch at pump house #1. The relay switch was eliminated, which eliminated the leak. On

March 24, Mainline replaced a valve that had been damaged during construction. The next day,

there was no water reported on Lark and parts of Woodland Drive. The pump at pumphouse #2

was running...Ed reported that the pump must have air locked causing it to run. That pump had

been running 21/2 hours per day. Ed replaced it with a new pump that we already had, this

pump is running 11/2 hours per day, now.


Ed has received a quote from Midco to clean our water reservoirs sometime during the next 2

months. Unfortunately, the quote did not include the green tanks on Lark. Ed will get this

additional quote. No action will be taken until the total quote is received.


Ed Striebel (Clearwater Consulting) has given us a revised Cost Estimate. The original did not

include any incidental costs. This revised version will be reviewed by the board. We also

received a new contract from Ed (Clearwater Consulting). The old contract was from 2003.

Some adjustments were made to the new contract to include: We reserve the right to adjust

fees and we have the right to terminate his contract.


This new contract and the Proposed Cost Estimate for water meter installation, meter reading

and administrative services was voted on by the board and approved 50

to contract with Clearwater Consulting & Water Management, LLC.

Ed reported that the Phase I of the project should be completed by midApril.


The asphalt cuts at the corner of Woodland and Chickadee will be done as soon as the plant opens up.  Evan made a motion to approve the water and project report, seconded by Carol and approved 5-0.


Road Report: There was a tax deposit made into the account for the amount of $118.04.


Old Business: Randy reported that to place a small ad in the Foothills Monthly would be $40

per month.


New Business: Ed Striebel from Clearwater Consulting read the proposal and told the board

that he will be able to start installing meters in May. Evan made a motion to approve this and

was seconded by Randy, approved 5-0.


Woodland Hills Sanitary District has received the Secretary’s Award for Drinking Water

Excellence in 2014!


Resident Comments: Sue Jones asked if the compaction tests had been passed. Ed told her

that Ted had passed those tests. She also asked about chip sealing the lanes and who they

would contact, and also if there were seeding issues from the project...who would they contact.

Chip sealing the lanes is up to the residents along that particular lane, however, if there is a

crew in the area chip sealing on Woodland, those residents could ask to have their lane done

during this time. If there are any issues resulting from the seeding process, those comments

and concerns should be brought to the Woodland Hills Sanitary District, who in turn will take

them to AE2S.


Board Member Comments: None


Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Carol and the meeting was

adjourned at 6:56PM.


Respectfully submitted by Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary