Woodland Hills Sanitary District


November, 2014 Minutes


The November meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:33PM.  In attendance were:  Randy Alexander, Dick Helmstetter, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Carol read the minutes from the October meeting.  There were no corrections or changes to note. 


Dick motioned to approve the minutes seconded by Randy and they were approved 4-0.


Income Report:  Total water income for October was $5051.91.  Total net income after expenses was $1370.62. 


Carol motioned to approve the Income report seconded by Dick and they were approved 4-0.


Road Report:  There was a tax deposit made into the Road account in the amount of $306.37.  Dick made a motion for the district to pay Randy $500 for reimbursement for snow removal on the district roads.  Evan seconded and the motion was approved 3-0. 


Evan motioned to approve the road report seconded by Randy and they were approved 4-0.


Water Report:  Ed reported that the water loss for October was at 50%.  He said that the water losses are almost impossible to track because of the open lines in conjuction with the water project.  He did note that the pump had been running longer when he checked on it recently.  He will be monitoring it closely.  A service line leak was found at 8409 Woodland while putting in a meter pit at that address.  They needed to cut the pavement to repair the leak. 


Ed asked that one of the board members contact Garry Colasardo to move his pick-up away from pumphouse #2 so that he could have better access to the building. 


Ed had the lead sample from the water tank analyzed.  The sample showed 1920mg per kg...which means that we will be able to repaint the water tanks in the future without needing to remove the paint. 


Dick motioned to approve the water report seconded by Evan and they were approved 4-0.


Water Project Report:  In regards to the budget, AE2S is over budget.  One of the main reasons for the overage is for construction oversight.  Ed’s opinion is that this is money well spent because of the slow progress being made by MainLine.  AE2S is keeping a very close eye on every aspect of the project because of this.  He did say, however that the construction budget is in the black.


Old Business:  The board discussed the timeline for getting back onto the State water agenda in January.  Brooke Stromer (AE2S) and Ali Demersemann (Black Hills Council of Local Governments) have been corresponding about this issue and what we will need to do to move forward with applying for additional funding to complete the balance of the project. 


New Business:  The board discussed changing the water policy to reflect the changes that will be taking place after the water project is complete.  Lois will email the current water policy to the board members.  More discussion will take place with the possibilty of a special meeting in regards to rewriting these changes. 


Dick motioned to approve the new business seconded by Randy and they were approved 4-0.


Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Dick and the meeting adjourned at 7:52PM.


Respectfully submitted by Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary