Woodland Hills Sanitary District

August 2014 Minutes


The August meeting of the Woodland Hills Sanitary District was called to order at 6:38pm. In attendance were: Randy Alexander, Dick Helmstetter, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Beth Haivala, Ed Striebel and Lois Lund.


Secretary’s Report:  Dick read the minutes from the July 2014 meeting. Randy motioned to approve the minutes seconded by Carol and they were approved 5-0.


Income Statement:  Income was a plus $1970.32.  There was $100.00 paid to Clearwater Consulting that should have been paid under Project Income and Expense. This will be changed in the books by Lois. Evan motioned to approve the Income statement seconded by Randy and they were approved 5-0.


Water Report:  The water loss for July was 25 percent. It was noted that Ed mowed around Pump house #1. Ed also has the cost for rehabing the exterior of the water tanks on Lark Ln. Unfortunately he forgot them on his desk. He will email the board members that information. The paint on the water tanks must be tested for lead and he indicated that the cost for this to be done will be around $50. The discussion on this has been tabled until the September meeting. There will be a meeting with MainLine and AE2S on Friday, August 15 discussing where staging of equipment will take place for the water project.


Ed noted that the Main well pump is losing about 1 gallon per minute per year. The pump was replaced in September 2008. In 2009 the well was pumping 85 gallons per minute, 2011--84, 2012--82, 2013--80 and 2014--76. Ed wanted us to be aware of the situation and he recommended that no action be taken until the pump quits.


Dick motioned to approve the Water Report seconded by Evan and they were approved 5-0.


Road Report:  Nothing to Report


Old Business:  There was discussion about the annual picnic to be held on Sunday, August 24. Randy motioned to accept old business seconded by Evan and they were approved 5-0.


New Business:  Gary Hansen was in attendence. He will be sending out a letter to all residents on Lark Lane regarding the possibility of repairing the lane because of water damage. He had a question about whether the project will interfere with any repairs done to Lark. Decisions will be made after Friday’s meeting with MainLine and AE2S.


There was discussion about the # of meter pits being constructed (81 in this round of construction) and which lanes to include or exclude. Possibilty of doing all services on Woodland and dropping Lark Lane and Robin off of this round of construction. Nothing decisive was decided.


Ed will conduct an annual meter audit with a cost of $200. Dick motioned to accept new business seconded by Randy and approved 5-0.


Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Carol and the meeting adjourned at 7:56PM.


Respectfully submitted by Carol Crozman, Recording Secretary