April 9, 2014



The meeting began at 6:35pm and was held at the Lark Lane building.  Attending were Randy Alexander, Dick Helmstetter, Carol Crozman, Evan Hutchings, Jim Stewart, Lois Lund, Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the March 2014 meeting.  Jim motioned to approve the minutes seconded by Carol and they were approved 5-0


Income Statement:  Income was a plus $2,616.  Among the expenses was a bill from Dale Hansen, the district's legal counsel, for completion of the transfer of assets from the Woodland Hills Community Association to the sanitary district.  A water meter bill from HD Supply was billed to the homeowner because the meter was frozen rather than worn out.    Dick made a motion to accept the income statement.  Jim seconded and the motioned carried 5-0.


Water Report:  The water loss for the month was 24 percent. 


Meetings were held with CETEC to discuss plans for water on the upper part of the system on Woodland Drive and price out the options.


No decision has been made on these options. 


Dick motioned to accept the water report with a second by Randy and the motion carried 5-0.


Road Report:  Tree debris is still an issue.  Jim Kienitz mentioned that 2-1-1 service is still available.  The Meade County debris drop sites have been closed.   Jim Stewart motioned to call tree services for estimates to clear debris along Woodland Dr from Robin Court to about 9101 Woodland Drive.  Randy seconded the motion and it carried 5-0.


Water Project:  The final bid specification is near completion and will be sent to the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources.  Resident Sue Jones was not satisfied with wording of the specification and asked to have her concerns part of the record.  Sue had typed up several pages of notes listing items that should be reviewed and revised.  Some of the concerns were addressed by CETEC and other were not.  Sue also questioned the board regarding a public hearing over the bid specification.  The trustees could not recall a commitment to a public hearing regarding the bid specification. 


Old Business: An election will be held June 17 to fill two vacancies.  The terms of Carol Crozman and Jim Stewart are expiring.  Dick will arrange publication of the required public notices in the Meade County Times-Tribune which is the paper of record for the district. 


New Business: None


Resident Request:  Tim Severson asked the board to consider refurbishing the gravel section of Woodland Drive.  Dick Helmstetter suggested that the board should defer action pending completion of the water project because of digging that might take place.  The board took no action.




Dick motioned to adjourn the meeting with a second by Randy and the meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

The next trustees meeting will be held May 14 at 6:30pm at the Lark Lane building.

 Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.