March 12, 2014


The meeting began at 6:35pm and was held at the Lark Lane building.  Attending were Dick Helmstetter, Carol Crozman, Evan Hutchings, Jim Stewart, Lois Lund, Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the February 2014 meeting.  Dick motioned to approve the minutes with minor corrections, seconded by Carol and they were approved 4-0


Income Statement:  Income was a plus $1,989.  One of the resident had a 69,000 gallon leak that was metered.  Jim made a motion to accept the income report and was seconded by Carol and approved 4-0.


Water Report:  The water loss for March was 15 percent.   American Technical Services came up to conduct blow count sample borings.  On February 21 Ed received calls about no water at the upper end of the system on Woodland Drive.  The upper tank was nearly dry but the pump house had not received a signal.   The cause turned out to be a bad float.  It was replaced and the 120 volt line in the tank was brought up to code with the installation of 12 volt service to the float relay.   A new float and relay were installed.   The roof to the shed between the two tanks on Lark Lane was destroyed by the wind along with the "jug" float used to display the water level in one of the green tanks. 

Evan motioned to accept the water report with a second by Jim and it carried 4-0.


Road Report:  The sand spreader has been placed near pump house number 2 and is available for anyone to use.    Dick will investigate if loans or grants are available to do a chip seal of the paved parts of Woodland Dr after the water project digging is complete. 


Water Project:  Ted and John from CETEC along with Ed conducted an on-site meter pit review for meters with questionable locations in the project plan.  Some of the planned pits would disrupt flower bed stone work or cause some trees to be removed.  The review was to determine if an alternative location could be used.   Evan brought up a question of whether or not old taps on the mainline will be left in place or removed for newly located meter pits.  That will be brought up during a review with CETEC.  Another question was raised about the location of the meter radio read transmitter.  Will it be below ground or on a post next to the pit.  Ed's meter read equipment will perform much better with an above ground location. 


A question of exactly how many lots exist in Woodland Hills was raised.  The answer appears to be 102 developed lots with water service being paid and 7 undeveloped lots.  Discussion was held about having undeveloped lot owners pay the $18 loan assessment.  Evan motioned to have the district's water policy revised to say that the cost of n0ew service to a previously undeveloped lot will paid by the owner.  The owner will buy a meter, meter pit and radio read which meets district specifications.  From that point forward the owner becomes a regular water customer and pays the loan assessment.  Jim seconded the motion and it carried 4-0. 


The topic of fees for delinquent and "snowbird" disconnects and reconnect was brought up with no action taken.  


The district will hold another public meeting about meter pit location and possible tree removals for those pits and the mainline replacement but no date was set.  The meeting will depend on the completion of the final bid specification by CETEC.



Old Business: None.


New Business: The district election is coming up in June and two positions will be decided.  The terms of Carol Crozman and Jim Stewart are up.  Evan will print and distribute a newsletter.



Jim motioned to adjourn the meeting with a second by Dickand the board adjourned at 7:50pm.

The next trustees meeting will be held April 9 at 6:30pm at the Lark Lane building.

 Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.