December 8, 2012


Attending were Jim Stewart, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Randy Alexander and Ed Striebel.


The Woodland Hills Sanitary District held an emergency meeting today at 5:34pm at Randy Alexander's home.  Attending were Jim Stewart, Evan Hutchings, Carol Crozman, Randy Alexander and Ed Striebel.


 The meeting was held to discuss the severe leak that is believed to be on Lark Lane.  This leak is contributing to an estimated 72 percent water loss for the last month.  Ed and Brandon Powles

looked for the leak on Thursday, December 6, 2012.  From that examination the leak is suspected to be somewhere between the new valve at 8705 Lark and the Lark Lane and Woodland Dr intersection.  That's a distance of about 1150 feet.   A listening device was brought in from the Rapid Valley water district to check for below ground leaks. Each of the curb stops were checked with WHSD equipment but there was no indication of a curb stop leak.   So the best guess now is that the leak is somewhere on the main line on Lark.


The district considered replacing the entire Lark Lane main line between 8705 and the intersection but that would cost somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000 and the district doesn't have the money. So the district trustees decided to put in a new valve halfway between 8705 Lark and the Lark Lane and Woodland Dr intersection.  With that valve we will be able to narrow the distance to 525 feet on one side or the other of the new valve.  Brandon will then start digging test holes searching for the leak.  Brandon is available beginning Monday afternoon (December 10) through end-of-day on Tuesday and then again on December 17 for several days.      


This meeting was adjourned at 6:25pm.

Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.