January 11, 2012


The meeting began at 6:30pm and was held at the Black Hawk volunteer fire department hall.  It was the opinion of Jim Stewart that the Lark Lane meeting hall would be too cold.  Attending were Randy Alexander, Jim Stewart, Kathy Colasardo, Dick Helmstetter, Lois Lund, and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the December and they were approved.  Kathy motioned to accept them with a 2nd by Randy


Income Statement:  It was an expensive month with a net loss of $27K.  The bills for the improvements to pump house 1 came in.  Ed noted that the upgrade was on budget.  Jim motioned to accept the income report with a 2nd by Dick.


Water Report:  Our water losses are now at 65 percent.  Ed says there is a major main line leak on Lark Lane and since the only shut valves are at the bottom and top of Lark Lane it is difficult to isolate the leak.  With some calculations based on how fast the pressure drops and the elevation difference between the green tanks and the shut off valve at the bottom of Lark, Ed is guessing the leak is on the main line around 8705 and 8709 Lark Lane.  Ed borrowed a sophisticated listening device from the Rapid Valley sanitary district but was not able to establish the exact location of the leak.  


The plan is see if we can find the leak by digging test holes during the week of January 16.  Ed also noted a leak of this size would probably render our backup well ineffective as it could not keep up with the amount of water pouring out.   Our main well pump is able to pump 85 gallons per minute while the back up well can do about 20-25 gallons.


Kathy motioned to accept the water report with a 2nd by Randy.


Old Business:  Dick asked everyone to consider possible options to the $1.2 million project in case we cannot get approval that size project.  What could we drop to bring the cost down?  Various ideas were considered but the plan is to proceed with the project and it could go even higher if we decide that main line on Lark Lane needs to be replaced.   


New Business: The Meade County commission approved a resolution to spend up to $2,000 to cover our expenses in forming the new sanitary district.  That will help to cover the legal, survey and election expenses.  The plan is to dissolve the Woodland Hills Road District and have its function and revenue go over to the sanitary district.  The money raised by the current road district tax levy would be kept separate from the sanitary district revenue provided by water sales.  The election for the water district is expected in April.   Dick also suggested that we post notice on the web site that anyone wishing to vote on the formation of the sanitary district must be a registered voter with an address in Woodland Hills. 


The board discussed the impact of a sanitary district on the current Woodland Hills Community Association.   The sanitary district would take over operation of the water system leaving the WHCA with covenant enforcement and hosting the annual picnic.  The only revenue coming into the WHCA would be the $10 annual membership fee that is only paid by a dozen or so residents.   No action plan was created as the board decided to ‘wait and see’ if the sanitary district is approved.


The next meeting will be held February 15 at 6:30pm.  This meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.