September 8, 2009


President Gary Hansen brought the meeting to order at 6:30pm.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Carol Crozman, Jim Stewart, Randy Alexander, Lois Lund and Ed Striebel.


Secretary's Report:  Jim read the minutes from the August meeting.  Carol made a motion to accept the minutes with a 2nd by Randy.


Income Statement:  Lois presented the income statement.  Net income for the month was $206.39.  A motion was made to accept the income statement by Jim, 2nd by Gary.


Water Report:  Ed presented the water report.  Water losses for August were 23 percent, an improvement over the previous month when losses were 37 percent.  The annual meter reading will be conducted in September.   A motion to accept the water report was made by Jim with a 2nd by Carol.


Old Business:  The board still has a vacancy and members will attempt to recruit someone to fill the opening. 


New Business: Ted Schultz from CETEC Engineering Services presented their proposal for an engineering study of the water system.  This study will evaluate the system and make recommendations for improvements.  CETEC’s fee for the study is $9,896.  WHCA would be eligible for $6,000 in reimbursement under the Small Planning Grant if the study were approved by the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources.   The proposal and funding information is in soft-copy form and will be placed on the WHCA web site.


The next board meeting will be Wednesday, October 7th at 6:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Submitted by Jim Stewart, Recording Secretary.