APRIL 8th 2009



President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:35hrs.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Mike Swett, Jim Stewart, Jackie Klatte, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

           Jim read the minutes from the March meeting.  A motion to accept by Jim, 2nd by Gary.


Income Statement:

           A motion to accept the Income Statement by Jim, 2nd by Jackie.


Water Report:

           The reservoirs were surveyed and it was determined that the booster pump intake is approximately 6ft above the bottom of the reservoir, this means that check valves will be required.  Water losses are still high but we will not be able to search for any leaks until the snow melts and the ground dries.  The Board has proposed a search around the 25th April, weather and conditions permitting.

           Ed submitted the paperwork to obtain a waiver for the 'Inorganic Compounds' testing.  This waiver only lasts a year but we can apply again each year.

           The Chlorinator was rebuilt and Ed is waiting to meet with Morford to 'iron out' some of the errors in the new system that they installed.

           Suggestions on how to proceed with the upgrades to the water system and a time frame for completion were discussed and the findings will be brought to the Annual meeting.

           A motion to accept the Water report by Mike, 2nd by Jim.


Old Business:



New Business:



Next Board Meeting:           Will be announced at the Annual Meeting 21st April 2009.


Meeting adjourned at 19:35hrs, April 8th 2009.

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary.