February 11, 2009


Vice-President Gary Hansen brought the meeting to order at 6:35pm.  Attending were Jim Stewart, Mike Swett, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

Gary read the minutes from the January meeting and a motion to accept the minutes was made by Jim, 2nd by Mike.


Income Statement:

There was discussion of renters in Woodland Hills being consistently late with their water bill payments with this latest case being 3 months late and then moving out of the area.  The deposit free covered the expense.  The deposit free for renters is $200 compared to $100 for homeowners.   A motion to accept the income statement was made by Gary, 2nd by Loren.


Water Report:

Water leaks continue to plague the system with losses this month at 53 percent.  Leaks are very hard to detect since most leaks are in the service lines from the main to the house.  With water meters in the house at the end of the service line, leaks go undetected until appearing on the ground.  Given the age of the water system and the way it was originally built the long term solution would be a complete mainline replacement with water meters installed at the curb stops.  Previous repairs on the main have shown that backfill consisted of rocks and dirt dug from the trench rather than using sand and gravel backfill. 


Long term the board should consider the following repairs and improvements:

1. Install a new back up pump and create a tandem booster pump setup so the booster pumps “take turns” with pumping.  Estimated cost of $2000+

2. Install a new pump in the old (backup) well.  Estimated cost of $6000+

3. Mainline replacement.  No estimate of the cost.


Ed is going to look into the causes of the booster pump running dry in the #1 pump house.  A possible cause appears to be the check valve in the 50K gallon tank that is preventing suction.


Jim will speak to Ted at CETEC Engineering about getting a professional assessment of the water system.  He will also speak with the South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems about grants or loans available in consideration of the mainline replacement.


Gary made a motion to accept the water report with a second by Mike.


Old Business:



New Business:  

A date of April 21, 2009 was picked for the annual WHCA meeting.


Next Board Meeting:            Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 6:30pm


Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm

Respectfully submitted by Jim Stewart