JANUARY 14th 2009


President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:40hrs.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Jim Stewart, Mike Swett, Jackie Klatte, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

Jackie read the minutes from the December meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes by Loren, 2nd by Jim.


Income Statement:

The cost of the secondary pump update was $459.00, fractionally above the estimated price.  $10,000.00 has been invested in each of the following 3 CDs, a 1yr, 2yr and a 3yr, to total a $30,000.00 investment.  A motion to accept the Income statement by Loren, 2nd by Mike.


Water Report:

The secondary well has now been updated and wired into the primary well's controllers.

Ed had calibrated the Pressure transducer to prevent the system from overflowing but he found that this setting caused the pump to lose suction, therefore the Transducer has been set a little higher than Ed would like. If the system continues to lose suction Ed will call Grimm's pump to come and check the seals. 


Water losses for the last month are up to approx 46% due to a leak that was not repaired until January.


Ed made a long term suggestion to replace the secondary pump so that the two booster pumps will run in tandem, reducing the 'wear and tear' on the one pump.  He also suggested checking the pump elevation to try to establish the reason for the pumps running dry. 

A motion to accept the Water report by Gary, 2nd by Mike.


Old Business:

A vote to issue a cheque in the amount of $600.00 to the Lark Ln residents, for a portion of the road repairs, was approved by Loren, Mike, Jim and Jackie.


New Business:  

The new contract for Ed has been drawn up with the meter reading as a separate cost and an increase in the hourly rate for 'above and beyond' call outs.  A motion to accept by Gary, 2nd by Jim.   A new contract was also written up for Lois.  A motion to accept by Jackie, 2nd by Jim.


Next Board Meeting:            Wednesday 11th February 2009 at 18:30hrs.


Meeting adjourned at 19:25hrs, January 14th 2009

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary.