AUGUST 13th 2008



Vice President Gary Hansen brought the meeting to order at 18:40hrs.  Attending were Mike Swett, Jackie Klatte and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

           Gary read the minutes from the July meeting.  A motion to accept by Mike, 2nd by Jackie.


Income Report:

           A motion to accept the income report by Mike, 2nd by Gary.


Water Report:

           The booster pump has been fixed.  Ed calculated the water losses at approximately 15%.  A motion to accept the water report by Gary, 2nd by Mike.


Old Business:

           Lois will bring her Notary Stamp to the picnic and Covenants will be distributed to the residents, who attend, for signatures.


New Business:

           There is no new business at this time.


Next Board Meeting:                    

Wednesday 10th September 2008 at 18:30hrs



Meeting adjourned at 19:10hrs, August 13th 2008

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary