JULY 9th 2008




Corresponding Secretary Jim Stewart brought the meeting to order at 18:35hrs.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Mike Swett, Jackie Klatte, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

Jim read the minutes from the June meeting.  A motion to accept by Mike , 2nd by Jim.


Income Report:

The WHCA Corporation will be renewed.  Several CD's have matured and will be reinvested.   A motion was made to accept the income report by Gary, 2nd by Mike.


Water Report:

The booster at pump house #1 may need some minor maintenance as it has a small leak.  The repairs should not inconvenience anyone.  Ed is still looking for ways to improve and update the water system with the help of a consulting engineer.    A motion was made to accept the water report by Mike, 2nd by Jim.


Old Business:

Jim is working on a cover letter for the covenants.  Loren has confirmed with the attorney that the covenants must be signed by all parties whose names appear on the property deeds.  The cover letter will explain the process for signing the covenants and returning them to the board so they can be filed with Meade County.


New Business:

           No new business at this time.


Next Board Meeting:                Wednesday 13th August 2008 at 18:30hrs




Meeting adjourned at 19:05hrs, July 9th 2008

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary.