APRIL 9th 2008



President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:35hrs.  Attending were, Gary Hansen, Ev Hutchings, Mike Swett, Lois Lund, Jackie Klatte and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report:

           Loren read the minutes from the March meeting.  A motion to accept by Ev, 2nd by Mike.


Income Report:

           Ed has spoken with Earthworks regarding the repairs but they are behind on their projects.  If Ed doesn't hear from them in a week he will contact B&B.  Ed is trying to arrange for Ted, from Cetek, to attend the Annual meeting on April 29th.

           The water meter replacement has resumed.  This will be done in stages to even out the cost from month to month.

           At this time the water losses are holding steady with no additional leaks.  Pump #1 is running below  peak efficiency and may need some repair in the near future.  The 'old well' pump may also need some attention, however this drop in performance may be due to a lower water table.  The sand trap in the well house has a leak, Ed has contacted the installer who will come up and fix it.

A motion to accept by Loren, 2nd by Mike.


Old Business:

           Loren has the completed Legal documents for the Covenants.  These will be brought to the Annual meeting for anyone who has questions or wishes to sign.


New Business:

           There is no new business at this time.


Next Board Meeting:                    

Will be held on Wed 7th May at 18:30hrs.



Meeting adjourned at 19:40hrs, Apr 9th 2008

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary