JUNE 6th 2007


President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 18:30hrs.  Attending were Loren, Gary Hansen, Ev Hutchings, Lois Lund, Mike Swett, Jackie Klatte and Ed Streibel.


Secretary's Report

           Jackie Klatte read the minutes from the May meeting.  A motion to accept by Mike, 2nd by Gary.  Minutes passed.


Income Statement

           Motion to accept income statement by Ev, 2nd by Gary.


Water Systems Report

           The leak at Lance Rom's, on Woodland Dr,  has been fixed and supervised by Ed.  The leak at Todd Shultz's , on Eagle Ln, has also been fixed with Ed's assistance.            The new water meter installment will continue.  A motion to accept the water report by Gary, 2nd by Jackie.


Tank Cleaning

           The estimate for cleaning all the tanks is $3672.50.  This will include Vacuuming, a total inspection and a live video after the cleaning.  Ed will ask if we can have a before and after video for comparison.  This type of cleaning may only have to be done every 5yrs not 3yrs, which will offset the cost.  Motion to accept by Mike, 2nd by Loren.


Old Business

           The Jacox's have completed 3 sides of their garage and have stated that they will complete the back side and the roof by July 4th.  At this point, the neighbours are satisfied with the progress.  


           Randy Alexander has proposed that he will dig his own water well on his property.  Ed will research this with regards to a water rights permit.


New Business

           The Woodland Hills Annual Picnic will be held on August 19th 2007


Next Board Meeting

           Will be held on Wed 11th July at 18:30hrs.


Meeting adjourned at 19:35,  6 June 2007.

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte

Recording Secretary.