President Jim Stewart brought the meeting to order at 6:30pm.  Attending were Jim, Gary Hansen, Loren Stanley, Lois Lund & Ed Streibel.


Secretary’s Report

Jim read the minutes from May’s meeting.  A motion to accept by Jim, 2nd by Loren


Income Statement by Lois Lund

Darryl Knight is past due.  The last payment was made March 21.  Jim to send certified letter.

Motion to accept by Gary


Water System Report by Ed Streibel

A 50 percent water loss for the previous month, but factoring for 15 unpaid accounts the water loss would be about 40 percent.  Pump hours are normal and in May the well pump ran about four hours per day.  Ed went over his contract that outlines his duties to address questions from the newest board members.  During a repair of a leak in April Ed discovered the valves from the well house do not work very well.  Those valves to be replaced by Ken Diers of Antler Enterprises.  Depending on the expense of that replacement the next valves to be replaced would be at Bluebird and Woodland Dr.   Loren motioned to accept the water report.


Old Business

The board approved of creating a web site, whills.org, to post minutes and income statements.  To be created by Jim.


New Business

Loren covered his discussion with Joe Jaycox regarding Joe’s addition project.  Joe has a timetable to complete the project by September 2006.  Loren ask that the plaintiffs in the covenant lawsuit dismiss the suit.  One of the plaintiffs, Jim Stewart, did not want to dismiss the suit but agreed to hold off on any action until October.  The suit can be on “hold” until its filing anniversary in March 2007.   Several WHCA members were in the audience and objected to the WHCA paying the expenses of the lawsuit.  To date, $242 have been spent.


Evan Hutchings was selected to fill the term of Jim Kienitz..




Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Stewart

Acting Recording Secretary