APRIL 21st 2009



President Loren Stanley brought the meeting to order at 19:00hrs.  Attending were Gary Hansen, Mike Swett, Jim Stewart, Jackie Klatte, Lois Lund and Ed Streibel.

There were introductions from the Board members and all attendees.


Secretary's Report:

           Gary read the minutes from the 2008 Annual Meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Jackie, 2nd by Jim.


Income Report:

           Copies of the 2008 and 2009 Annual income reports were distributed to all attending.


Water Report:

           Ed gave a brief explanation of the year's activities, ongoing water leaks being the major concern.  The costs of repairs this year have been high due to pump and well issues and the fact that the well had caved in at a depth of approximately 830ft.  The pump had to be brought up from the well, in order to drill out the opening.  It was determined that there the pump needed to be replaced, so a new more efficient pump was put in place.

This pump has been working very well.  There were also upgrades performed in the pump house, these took some time to be adjusted correctly but are now working efficiently.

The 2008 Water Quality report is now available.


There is a large leak in the system which has not been found yet.  Weather permitting we will try to find the leak on Saturday 25th April.  A leak detection truck has been scheduled to visit us late May to early June. 


Loren addressed the options we have concerning the water system:

 1. Do nothing.

 2. Repair only what needs to be repaired.

 3. Do a System Study to asses the whole system and the proceed in stages.


In order to obtain assistance from the South Dakota Rural Water a system study has to be performed.  A 'Small Community Planning Grant' can be used to fund some of the cost for the study, this will be an 80/20 split with the State up to a maximum of $6000.00 from the State.  After this has been performed we will have a much clearer idea on how to proceed.  Jim has a list of recommended engineers to contact regarding the study.

Attendee, Gary Colasardo, made a motion to move forward and have the study performed with a 2nd from Larry Taylor.


Other Business:

           Steve Darling, from the Road Board, gave a brief summary of how the road was sealed last year and that this seemed to have held up very well.  The loan on the road has been repaid, however this does not mean there will be extra funds. The funds the board get will go towards maintenance and repairs.




The Website:

           Last year it was decided to post all activities and notices on a website.  Some residents have expressed a need to have Newsletters, put in the mailbox on Eagle Lane, as they do not have computer access.  It was proposed that approximately 25 newsletters would be printed to accommodate those with no computer access.


Fire Wise:

           Gary explained that the 'Clean up' efforts were going well but there are still some sections which need attention.


Mike and Jackie's terms on the Board have expired.  There were 3 nominees for the positions.


Gary Colasardo,  nominated by Randy Alexander.

Carol Crozman, nominated by Kathy Colasardo.

Terry Nelson, nominated by Bill Craft.


Carol and Terry were voted onto the board for 2yr terms.


Next Board Meeting:           Wednesday 6th May 2009 at 18:30hrs


Meeting adjourned at 20:40hrs, April 21st 2009.

Respectfully submitted by Jackie Klatte, Recording Secretary.